Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sorry we have to do this -- but a couple more myths have to be busted...

The two most ridiculous myths I have heard here recently...

-that the Arizona murderer was influenced by conservative talk radio, FoxNews, and Rush Limbaugh
-and that all the worst hate speech and "vitriolic talk" comes from people like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly

If you buy either one of those, then you are a huge sucker...

First, here are just a few things that have been undeniably proven about the killer, Jared Loughner..

- one of his videos shows him burning the American flag
- he is described by many of th epeople who knew him as being a “left-winger” and a “liberal”
- frequently smoked pot
- had a strange desire to dress up as the grim reaper in public and at school
- he was dabbling in the occult by worshipping a replica of a human skull (see below)
- Expressing the desire to be a woman
- Describing Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto as a favorite book

Some newspaper guys camping outside Loughner's parents home snuck inside to get this picture and the parents were irate and called police..
so all other pictures were taken using a crane, a boom, and lifting the camera up over the walls..

This is a weird shrine that Loughner used to worship the devil...
Check picture #4 here -- one guy snapped shot of this hidden occult temple of Loughner's

and here's the skull/altar he worshipped at, before Loughner's parents tore it all down and then denied it's existence..

This guy was as far left as Charles Manson and his gang and were about as likely to be influenced by the conservative right as a stone.

Then who is the more vitriolic....all the hate speech we have heard from the far left like the Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, etc....
proves it is NOT anyone conservative...

In fact, just this morning I saw this...

One liberal blogger via Huffington Post (they took it down) calling for a missile strike on Sarah Palin!!

Then this guy calling for Bill O'Reilly to be riddled with bullets!!

I think the case can be closed on this....even the HUGE majority of Americans disagree with the liberal rants about who is responsible with hate talk....obviously most people know the liberals are simply ignoring and denying their own problems...

The vast majority of Americans DISAGREE with the sole ploy being used by the Democrats the past few days..

BY a huge 2-1 margin, Americans....
" ..reject the view that heated political rhetoric was a factor in the weekend shootings in Arizona"

So the Dems' strategy is backfiring!!

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