Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Debunking more myths, and some college players behaving badly, also exposing the corrupt left..

I read with interest some comments -- even some from professionals saying that BU's opponent tonight, Indiana State is playing under the SAME circumstances as Bradley is, and while BU is 0-5, Indiana State is 4-1 in the Missouri Valley race!
Somehow I get a strong sense that such comments are clearly meant to downgrade BU and say that the losses of Sammy & TB cannot be used to explain Bradley's bad performance thus far.

I think this is a little disingenuous...although in no way am I trying to say BU is playing as well as Indiana State...but here's the actual facts...
You can believe as you want or think like Dave Reynolds, but you will not be able to refute these simple facts...

BU has been without two of their best 3 players pretty much all season, forcing several players to play out of position...
BU's two injured guys have missed 26 games combined.

...and although I agree SM played 6 games -- it was obvious how valuable he is because we won most of them...and lost the ones he could not play due to pain...

Indiana State by contrast...was without Lathan for ONLY 3 games...and fortunately in that 3-game stretch - they played 3 of the weakest MVC teams whose combined Valley record is just 4-11..
And Kelly has missed just 5 the TOTAL their two players missed is just EIGHT games!!!
So is Dave Reynolds saying the Sycamores guys being out for 8 games is the same as the BU guys being out for 26 games? NONSENSE!!
BTW -- two other BU starters, Lemon & DSE have missed an additional 3 games...

So as usual, this idea that Indiana State is forced to play under the same circumstances as Bradley is just total baloney...nowhere even close!!

Here's one other comparison..the two teams have NOT faced the same toughness of scheduling!!

-Indiana State in their five Valley games so far have played 3 at home and the only two road games were at bottom dwellers (road opponents 3-7)
AND not one of their five opponents yet has a winning record!!

-Bradley has had only 2 home games, 3 on the road (road opponents 8-7), and 3 of five BU opponents have winning records while the other two are only one game from a winning record!

Regardless, I am still 100% behind our guys, and I am rooting for a BIG win tonight...I'll be there, GO Braves!!!!!!!

A couple very interesting discipline topics now that the various conference races are really heating up...

-At Minnesota, after losing their starting point guard Devoe Joseph, now oft-troubled and oft-suspended or expelled Trevor Mbakwe is in trouble yet again!
He has violated a restraining order, gotten arrested, spent a little time in jail and is now bailed out.
Everyone, even the generally supportive Minnesota press is calling for Mbakwe to get a suspension from the team because otherwise it looks like this kind of illegal behavior is just getting condoned and accepted there.
BUT -- Mbakwe is the Gophers' best player and leading they don't want to be without him, and Tubby needs him bad!!
So Mbakwe isn't even missing a minute of practice and he sure isn't getting any game suspensions...

At University of Washington -- one of their players is under investigation for rape...but not only is the kid still fully active and on the team, but nobody wants to even talk about who it is...
All the press is protecting the alleged rapist's identity, the school isn't talking, and yet there is evidence to show that it is one of their best and most experienced players...
Head coach Lorenzo Romar says it is very serious and they will take action, but as of yet, two days into this, they are still denying everything, giving no hints of who the player is, and nobody's being disciplined!

Likewise one of UCLA's young stars is in trouble -- but not enough trouble to warrant any actual penalty according to Ben Howland - coach of the struggling UCLA Bruins...
Normally this kind of action absolutely HAS TO be penalized if you want to send the right signal..but letting totally off the hook says discipline is really soft if you are good and we need your talent...

Lastly a little snippet about Larry Eustachy getting into trouble.....

Larry went ballistic in a game his team was losing at Marshall by 30 points, 95-65...
he was T'ed up a couple times then had to be literally dragged off the court by cops....
"Eustachy, almost continuously agitated from ..1:53 into the game
...Eustachy went after Mathis, bumping into fellow official Hal Lusk two or three times. That triggered technical No. 2 and an ejection.
But Eustachy wasn't going off quietly. A Marshall official helped escort him, and then Eagles forward Gary Flowers tried to diffuse the situation.
An MU police officer arrived, with several other MU officials.
Firing repeated "F-bombs" across the floor, Eustachy kept at it with police several minutes after entering the tunnel to the visitors' locker room.
He was not arrested. "You've got good policemen on campus," Eustachy joked. "They make sure they get you places.
As he departed, he cracked, "Don't worry about me tonight - I'm more protected than Obama."
(police escort)

Also -- here's yet another list of the
"25 Sketchiest Programs in Hoops History"
..and all the favorites are on it...Eustachy, Pearl, Sampson, Quin Snyder, Tim Floyd,
Harrick, Tark, Bliss, CCNY, AND John Calipari makes the list THREE TIMES...
at #20, #14, and #3

And finally this.... ** and beware ** -- it is political and it is blunt and right to the point and accurate....

After all the irresponsible rantings about the political rhetoric, and the liberal slams against some for causing this guy Loughner to go wacky ...'s the truth...
HE WAS NOT...influenced by anything he heard on talk radio, or anything he heard on Fox...
here's what motivated the was a weird, far, far left wing, wacky conspiracy theory that involves hating capitalism that controls the currency, hating the oppressive government that hides their involvement in 9/11, and that feels all the power has been taken from and needs to be returned to the people...kinda like a Communist revolution...
So -- the guy was bordering on being as far, far left almost Communist as can be...

Check on your own into this "Zeitgeist" movement, and 9/11 truthers, and Loose Change documentaries...see who else believes in that stuff...

Lo and's the way, way out radical leftists and liberals, the progressives, and even Communists...
the Van Jones' of the world....and even the kooks like Michael Moore and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres...and the other close allies of President Obama...

So the past few days have shown this...the liberals will jump at any opportunity,
they'll take advantage of any tragedy no matter how severe..and stomp on anyone's grave to try to score some political points against who they see as an adversary...
They are filled with hate and irrationality...and they are again exposed.
Take that Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, and Keith guys have again shown your angry and despicable hatred for decency and common sense.
and, in the process, you have opened a can of worms that displays and exposes your own part in all of this hatred.

If anyone was responsible for the killing tendencies of one Jared Loughner...
it is NOT anyone conservative or on talk radio or Fox News...
it is the progressives and far leftists that populate the Cabinet and Czars, and the Hollywood types like Michael Moore and the makers of Zeitgeist.....go after them...see if you can ban them or take away their 1st Amendment rights, and leave the rest of everyone else alone!

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