Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here's even more on the Peoria Mob Incident that the Peoria Journal Star is denying

Guess what -- we're now four full days since this mob incident and finally TWO of our local TV stations actually sent a real warm body reporter to the scene to talk with the people there,
and they had absolutely NO trouble finding numerous people living in the neighborhood
who were actually PART OF the angry mob...and others who confirmed beyond question the account by Paul Wilkinson that the PJS tried so mightily to discount and claim untrue.

These new interviews confirms precisely what Wilkinson said and exactly what the PJ Star tried to claim was untrue and exaggerated.

It is just astounding that the Peoria Journal Star has literally taken the position of being the city's and the "mob"-sters' publicist and are doing everything in their power to spin this as nothing but a little harmless fun with all those saying otherwise being LIARS!!!

..These NEW sources, Week and HOI-19 plus WMBD, state without ambiguity, that there was an angry mob stirring up trouble, "out of control", "fighting", etc...
Funny how a reporter at the scene talking with those who there can come up with such tremendously more useful and accurate info than a guy sitting at this desk at the newspaper building speculating that it was all made up...

A few of the eyewitnesses described as a partygoers who'd have absolutely NO reason to make this stuff up as they're actually indicting themselves with these comments...
say this...
"...she's not surprised it got out of control.

"If somebody is fighting or something, they just want to be involved in it," said Hopson.

Brooklynn Smith-Brown says some of her friends were there.

"I guess people were supposed to fight at the party, so they kicked everybody out. So they went outside and were going to fight and met other people," Smith-Brown explains.

She says unruly behavior isn't uncommon.

"Some people get aggravated. Like, if you're at a party and it's packed, somebody bumps into you, you get mad...I do," says Smith-Brown.

Her friends agree.

They say the power of peer pressure can cause more harm than good."

(then, speaking specifically about the mob behavior....)
"I think it's just because they want popularity,....they do it just to fit in, or just to seem cool," says Kiyana Brown.

Kyle Washington says problems arise because nothing else is going on.
"Just to do something...just have something to do," says Washington.
"They haven't had anything to do for so long," adds Brown. "So they act up."

Meanwhile Peoria police have stepped up patrols in the West Bluff neighborhood.
Local leaders say they plan to work with the community to help address the issues of teen behavior."

Hmmm..this leads to a prediction -- if the initial response by cops and the press is any indication -- we have a dual problem --
We have angry teens in a large hateful mob plus we have local enforcement and reporting that think it's no big deal and that it never really happened -- guess what -- it'll happen again -- if you simply push this to the back burner it'll happen again....

BTW -- this report says the mob was "hundreds of teens"

..and if hundreds of teens are intimidating citizens, blocking traffic, and scaring folks..
how can the police possibly say flatly without even a full investigation...
"Police say while the incident remains under investigation--no illegal activity took place."

Wow -- that's pretty overtly biased wouldn't you say?? not even going to check out the possibility?? Just gonna declare NO LAWS BROKEN!!

This report by a TV station (not the newspaper) actually goes to the neighborhood and talks to one resident who says..
"They're going up in the yards," said Rogers. "They're going up in the porches.
They jump in front of the cars. They slap at the cars, acting like they're going
to do something, trying to be intimidating to people passing through. There's
no call for it. It's out of control."
"Everybody used to be able to get out, play, have fun, go see your neighbors," said Rogers, "without the fear of being, jumped, harassed, beat up, or anything else."

And then interview more residents...
"residents say a group of 50 or more young African Americans crowded the
streets of Thrush and Sheridan late Friday night, disturbing the peace and
yelling racial slurs."


OK -- now we have TWO different news organizations - very reputable ones at that totally at odds with the ridiculous accounts of the Journal Star and their lackies.
These reputable reporters actually got reports from "residents" (plural) that clearly give evidence that LAWS WERE being broken...
Can we expect an apology and correction from the police and the PJ Star??
Waiting .......

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