Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NCAA seems ticked that anyone would question their rulings or fairness!

Wow -- apparently someone at NCAA is ticked that there are media people and message boarders talking about their recent decisions on Auburn's Cam Newton & the Ohio State bunch...

It seems NCAA doesn't like being second they have put out a statement saying their rulings are all fair and that we should all just shut up and accept that!
They even kinda scold anyone who dares question their rulings as dumb people who don't see things right.

What I find funny is how they rant on and on with what is, in my judgment, a complete LOSERS-type of argument...

first - they mis-characterize the opposition..they say the media have it all wrong and are concluding that every situation should look the same and have a "one size fits all" solution. But that's not at all what the media re doing!!!

then second - they recoil at the suggestion that the NCAA "plays favorites"...when there is OVERWHELMING and massive evidence that they certainly DO -- and many, many people in the media and elsewhere accept that they DO play favorites and that it's a given.

Then -- they claim they never take financial considerations into account -- we're getting into the Twilight Zone -- of course they base their decisions on finances!!

Then the funniest part of it all, was when they interviewed the Ohio State violators....the answer they got was...
[B][I]"..student-athletes were interviewed ..and they indicated they were not aware there was a violation and learned of the issue based on later rules education"[/I][/B] other words...the superstar future NFL'ers claimed they didn't know they were breaking the rules by selling their jerseys, rings, and autographs for thousands of dollars!!!
Holy there anyone who actually believes that or who believes the NCAA is dumb enough to buy that as an acceptable alibi??
Anyway....since when is that a defense?? NCAA is certainly playing favorites if they let these guys get away with that line!!

Then to cap it all off....they admit that it was illegal for Cam Newton OR his father to bargain for money EVEN IF they were unaware that it was against the rules...HOWEVER -- since they have yet to be able to actually prove he got any, they are going to let them slide!

This is typical spin and lying -- and I am extremely surprised the NCAA even felt the need to do it but I guess they don't want anyone questioning their actions at any time!

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