Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More on the loony guy who shot up the Florida school board meeting and died trying to make a comical point...

First - here's the video -- the first 5 minutes he runs most people out then debates a bit and whines to the men on the school board before starting to shoot at them -- then gets felled by the armed security guard..

Here's more.... the Red "V" that the school board gunner spray painted on the wall....
That insignia is from a comic book called "V for Vendetta" and again -- I challenge you to find even one news or media outlet that checked into it and what it means....
and even if they did -- they have not told you what it is...

Now --- if the guy chooses a comic book insignia, and also uses the same insignia on his Facebook and appears to liken his entire focus in life to what this "V" stands for, then I think it displays the incredible shallowness of this man and his life...

The comic book series "V for Vendetta" was written in the 1980's and was a futuristic fictional work about the future 1990's where the world (Britain) was under severe oppression by those with wealth & power...ruled by people who loved themselves and trampled on others...
The hero of that series is a guy who defies the totalitarian government and overthrows them - thus freeing everyone to rule themselves...

BUT -- the hero was a transsexual guy who embodied all the usual aspects of liberals -- hating those who have wealth or fail to give to or help the poor, etc..
The hero is modeled after Guy Fawkes, a man from English history around 1600 who tried to overthrow the government and kill the king because he wanted his own people (the Catholics) to be in charge.

Fawkes actually did everything he did for purely selfish reasons and NOT to help anyone but himself -- and certainly NOT to benefit the poor or oppressed...
So in reality Guy Fawkes was NOT a hero to anyone -- but selfish people adopted him as a hero...showing again the shallowness of their understanding.
So -- over the centuries some have come to describe Fawkes as a sort of anti-government and anti-oppression type hero.

Anyway -- back to "V for Vendetta"..
this whole scenario of this madman in Florida using the "V" as if he's a true hero himself is like me claiming to be the Green Hornet and shooting up a school board meeting because they served my kid the wrong lunch...kinda loony!!!

But here's the key as to why the media has yet to really come down hard and name this kook for what he really is -- a total lunatic and LIBERAL activist....and political terrorist!!
It's because most of these kooks ARE left wingers -- and seem to be favorites and heroes to the liberal press, kinda like they're making Julian Assange out to be!
...and the only time these types of terrorist's lives are put on display and they're vilified is when they are the Timothy McVeight-types....who are only 1% of such terrorists..

In the end -- the real focus of the "V for Vendetta" stories is that the V-guy is portrayed as a superhero that is akin to a SUPERMAN going around saving everyone from everything that's bad...
and this loonie guy must have pictured himself in an egomaniacal way as being likened to some Superman-type hero -- like he was saving the world and everyone in it..when in fact, he was simply disrupting the perfect example -- a meeting of elected school board members -- the perfect example of this being the freest country and best country in the entire universe!!!!
The guy was barking up the wrong tree and as wrong and misguided as can possibly be.

This school board terrorist, Clay Duke, has a Facebook page that is still available online-

He describes himself as a "humanist".
Yet Humanist organizations always like to boast that they are peaceful and want to protect all people's rights. They like to always point out all the harm that organized religions do, and how many people they kill. Right....

Also, notice the quote on his bio page on Facebook-
Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew.
Which in sleep has fallen on you.
Ye are many – they are few.

Look up that quote, and you'll find it's from this poem by
Percy Bysshe Shelly called The Mask of Anarchy

It is about overthrowing a government that you do not agree with. It is a quotation that appears in many ultra-radical leftist blogs and speeches. It embodies the ultra-leftist philosophy. Ironically though, it advocates non-violent resistence, not violence like this moron resorted to.

And check out the links he places on his Facebook page-
.......this site worships Julian Assange for his leaks..and it's obvious that this wacko is afar left progressive!

Plenty more of Clay Duke's links take you to ultra liberal sites that worship Assange- And these sites that subscribes to the wacko theory that 9-11 was an inside job, and that the US blew up the World Trade Center

Nothing excuses this man's behavior -- and I sure don't think all liberals are like him -- but no doubt if he had quoted Rush Limbaugh, all the news organizations would have jumped on that aspect of it.

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