Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ISU 62 - BU 61, The Black Out, a nice Ray Brown followup story, and more...

BU played hard but ISU came out victorious...
of interest, Dinma was NOT assessed a single foul in the entire game despite physically battering guys inside...and he has a history of being foul prone, averages 3 fouls per game, has 3 foul-outs this year, and had four fouls last game vs. Drake...
But, not much more can be said, I don't think we played bad but not good enough. In fact.............we played very good 80% of the game and held a decent lead most of the way...then a few shots fell for them and ours didn't...
but again we proved we can play with anyone in this league, and we need to refine that!!

A few past Bradley players I saw and talked with last night...
Will Franklin (about to sign and play in Egypt), Daniel Ruffin, Chuck Buescher, Chuck Westendorf, Gus Mason, Michael Stewart, Brian Lavin, Danny Adams, Gene Morse, and of course Jim Les & Jeremy Crouch.

Beyond the game, I thought the Black promotion was great....everyone loved it, the uniforms looked great, and I believe everyone in the entire universe had something positive to say about it except one person...and that writer, trying hard to be a sourpuss, decided it was worth an entire column in the paper to rip on Bradley for the promotion...

Never mind that every college team does promotions, lots of them...
throwback jerseys, alternate color jerseys, mascots, dancing teams, contests, half-court shots, even quick change artists, etc.....etc...

In fact - nobody should know that better than a newspaper person...after all, I have never seen anything quite like the promotional effort the local Peoria newspaper has sunk into trying to hype their Bradleyhoops coverage...
They have quarter pages ads, several of them every single day, they talk about it all over the sports pages, promote it endlessly even in the offseason, even in their columns and blogs....and they have big banners and links everywhere on their web site, and the columnists have even BROKEN their lifelong policy NOT to post on the message boards, all in an effort to hype THEIR OWN BRADLEY coverage...

Then they sit in judgement and trash on Bradley's efforts to promote their own games, as if they are pure and undefiled here...
Geez...they've sold out to the lowest common denominator in order to hype and try to sell their own Bradley coverage, and it hasn't even been that successful....if you notice the absolute Death Valley like atmosphere on certain message boards, especially after a big win..then it is obvious they own hype isn't working that well.
And on top of that, the one thing a lot of Bradley fans look for the next day, a BOX SCORE of the previous night's Bradley game, is NEVER included in their coverage online...never!!?

I'd say when you spend half your existence promoting yourself, then you really ought not criticize someone else's promotions....
The Black Out was a very well received promotion, and most of these promotions end up with the uniforms being auctioned (as has happened the last TWO times they did throwback jerseys, as I have some of them that I purchased) and the funds from the auctioning of those popular jerseys have benefitted the team and various charities!!

You can't turn on any big time college basketball game on TV (Monday night was Kansas/Texas, last night was Purdue/Michigan State) that doesn't ALWAYS have some promotion going...White Outs, Izzone, Orange Crush, dollar hot dogs, green beer, etc...yet Bradley is somehow prohibited from pursuing the same endeavors, as it doesn't quite please a tiny but vocal part of the populace..
My suspicion is that had Taylor's shot fallen & Bradley won, we'd have heard none of this..
but this is just sour grapes after a tough loss.
I can handle a tough loss without kicking the dog or trashing college students....where's the maturity everywhere else??

Here is a story that gives a nice followup on Ray Brown...
I am happy for him and happy that he has found a place that he is very sucessful at...
He is at Hamline University, a DIII in Minnesota...and is one of the top players in their league.
Congrats, Ray, and I hope you can translate this into a successful career in the pros...

One more global warming note just absolutely caused me to rip a gut last night....
if you don't want to read about the warming debate or the useless and stupid things people are saying to promote it or the rock solid disproofs that are showing up now every single day and the red-faed admissions of lying and bad science coming from the very people who ask you to buy this tripe...
then stop here...although I think you'll miss a really funny few lines......

In an effort to try to have a little fun in the midst of a terrible east coast storm...a bunch of kids built an igloo out of some snow and had a little fun...
SERIOUSLY - it's just a bunch of KIDS!!!!
...they made a little joke but apparently it stepped on someone's sensitive little toes...

They made a joke about global warming, but before the snow had even stopped falling, one ever-angry, scowl-faced TV commentator ripped into them as if they had stole Christmas!
The ex-sports-commentator-turned-global-warming-expert not only labelled them the worst people in the world, and all kinds of stupid...
he even highlighted something that I find humorous and revealing, as it plays right into what I have been saying for years!!
He ripped them for using the term global warming.....
he argued that it is really "climate change"...

The global-warming-activists have been using the term global warming for at least two decades!!!
The very phrase "manmade global warming" literally keeps me awake at night ringing in my ears, as I have heard them spew it so much, including this very hypocrite who trashes kids for using the very same term he has used...
If you do a Google search for "global warming" you get roughly 100,000,000 hits....
So - this is THEIR own term....I didn't make it up...
and if they now want to change the terminology, then fine, but don't get so danged picky if we can't keep up with you...

BUT-- here's the real secret....the change from "global warming" to "climate change" is, in actuality, a 100% admission that they were wrong!! They are secretly shying away from using the word warming as they now realize it is a wrong and faltering argument.

They've been arguing that man-made global warming is "settled science" for at least a decade and almost two decades..
but now numerous things have occurred that force them to back track and change their own arguments!!

Not only does the evidence clearly point to little or NO further global warming in the past decade, but there's lots, lots more evidence that just maybe much or all of the evidence they used for the "warming" argument was phony, falsified, couterfeit, fudged, cooked, and fraudulently published.

We need look no further than the leaked e mails, the discrediting of numerous top "climate scientists", and the retraction of much of their recent arguments..
Also the disproving of a whole bunch of their recent strong points pretty much leaves their entire argument dead in the water and being taken off life support!!

Just check the blog entries from the past few days for the links that prove this...
Now some of the very scientists who were chanting the "global warming" mantra, have even begun to agree we are in a global cooling period!!!

Remember the IPCC are the very people who falsified the melting glaciers data and whose e mails prove beyond question that their data cannot be trusted as they have falsified it and worked in unison with other scientists worldwide to hide and lie about data that proves them wrong.

Lastly....then the change from "global warming" to "climate change" is just a cheap trick to try to dust off their image and to be prepared to say "see we told you so" when the cooling cycle hits for the next 30 years...

They will say they saw it's the same kind of disingenuousness we've seen from these people before...
we saw it in the 1970's when they blamed the rising waters in Salt Lake & Lake Michigan and the deep freeze winters on manmade pollutants in the atmosphere.
Then we saw it again in the 1980's when they blamed the numerous dry years/drought on manmade pollutants in the atmpsphere.
Then we have seen it in the 1990's with falsified data from hand picked temperature stations claiming all time record temperatures, when the very same people have openly admitted the hottest years occurred many decades ago...

Does anyone remember this???
How quickly these guys hide their own statements...
Just a couple years ago, NASA conceded their data was wrong and actually 1934 was the hottest year on record...and that the reason their data was wrong, was that in 1934, the measurements and data were far, far less elaborate and some of the hottest areas on the planet (like the Sahara and Outback) had NO measuring stations and so the data was incomplete...
nowadays they just delete the temps from high elevations in order to get selecively and erroneously hotter data with which to make their predetermined claims.
we call it "cooking the data" but they call it settled science.

Now they change again and claim almost every year since 1980 was hotter than 1934!!
geez...what can you believe from these guys??
So even the repeatedly disproven data and "hottest year ever" arguments keep getting retreaded and rehashed over and over with those folks hoping you have conveniently forgotten their previous lies and dishonesty and hoping you'll buy their phony line again this time around.

So, in the end...the flip-flopping from "warming" to "climate" to "cooling" to whatever is currently happening is just a new-age way of saying --
"the weather changes and we cannot do a thing about it"..
or "everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it"...
or "you can't blame us for being totally wrong about the warming aspect we shrieked for decades, because we aren't really using the term warming any more"...

But they play it to their gain and advantage...remember, certain people like Al Gore, and the head of GE (and NBC) have made gazillions of bucks with their counterfeit science...which they now openly admit they've been caught propagating complete lies!! They actually admit they are guilty of lies, distortion, and bad science, but they still expect you and me to bow down and worship their claims.
(but rest assured they won't give back the money and Nobel Prizes they "stole"...)

By the way - here's how honest these climate guys are...
they preach at you to be green, then they themselves mock you and me and fly fully empty Lear Jets and use their inefficient cars to travel a couple blocks!

So -- ex-sports commentator - if you want to trash a bunch of kids for using the phrase "global warming", then don't forget to trash these people also, as they have frequently used the very same term...

Al Gore:
"There are many who still do not believe that global
warming is a problem at all. And it's no wonder:
because they are the targets of a massive and well-
organized campaign of disinformation.."

Barack Hussein Obama:
"..the chain of natural catastrophes and devastating
weather patterns that global warming is
beginning to set off around the world.. the frequency
and intensity of which are breaking records
thousands of years old"

David Letterman:
"President Bush says he's really going to buckle down
now and fight global warming. As a matter of
fact, he announced today he's sending 20,000 troops
to the sun"

Jay Leno:
"the global warming outlook is much worse than
originally predicted. Which is pretty bad when they
originally predicted it would destroy the planet."

Stephen Colbert:
"I dare say Gore's movie is the highest grossing
PowerPoint presentation in history. ... Global
warming: Can we live with it?"

Keith Olbermann (in his countdown, but also many, many other quotes he uses the very same phrase that he trashes other for using..)
"And our winners:.. And today, as part of their made-
up story they call “Climategate,” they had a scoop.
Jon Stewart was denying global warming. .."

Even widely respected media expert David Horowitz - who is a BRADLEY GRADUATE and far more knowledgable, professional, and highly respected than most of the scowl-faced, vein-popping-angry commentators - SAYS THIS ABOUT Mr. K.O. -
"We all know what a petty, juvenile clown Keith
Olbermann is, but his latest attack ...really sets a
new low"

Thank you David Horowitz!

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