Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Funniest Media Day Comments

I saw a whole lot of them....

first...when asked about the Braves being picked 6th, Jim Les' response was
"tell me who was picked 6th last year"...

the answer, of course, was Northern Iowa who went on to be the best team in the Valley and surprise just about everyone.

Also, it was satisfying to know how poorly the coaches and the media have done over the past 25 years....they've accurately picked the league winner only 11 times and missed the other 14 times..
--so maybe they missed by one slot, right??? ---Nope...the team that has been picked 2nd has ended up winning only TWICE in the past 25 years!
My suspicion is that a poll of a mix of Valley fans and message board and blog readers would be as accurate year in and year out as this media poll....

Then I saw this post on one of the Valley's message boards......and by all appearances the guy posting it is serious and is expecting people to believe him...

"I work in...Peoria and have heard numerous rumblings that Les was actually lobbying for BU to be picked to finish 10th this year in the pre-season poll."
(won't give the link so as to not boost their paltry hit counts)

Then the guy goes on to allude that Coach Les wanted BU to get picked last in order to save his job, since if BU is picked 10th then the team can't possibly fall short of "expectations"....
Well, I also live in Peoria and have 1000 times more connections to Bradley and the general talk of Bradley basketball, and I can assure you nobody even one time has ever said a thing about such a lobbying effort by Jim Les...and it doesn't even make sense in any way...
Because...surely if Les even tried it, he'd have to be calling and lobbying the very people in the press at the other Valley cities who would readily relay and publicly expose him if that happened.
So I prefer to conclude that this message board poster is simply making all this stuff up like a lot of them do.
The falsehood of this kind of statement becomes self-evident if you even give it the tiniest consideration.

Then there's a discussion of a Sycamore writer who was "really angry"...indeed even
"the most angry and ticked off you will ever see me"
that Bradley was somehow picked ahead of the Sycamores...
and it's just a poll!!! No need to get that angry and get your blood pressure up!
Then finally there's the preseason preview on an independent site, but written by the Creighton guys...
I am sure they'd love for you to consider them open minded and fair, but since they are only people in the universe picking Creighton to win over UNI, then I guess you can correctly conclude this is a sham...

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