Sunday, February 27, 2011

Extreme Hypocrisy

I am sure we have all heard about the poor unionized government workers in Wisconsin...and how they have it so bad when they already have wages & benefits that are between 30% and 70% BETTER than comparable workers in similar jobs in the "private sector" who are not working for the government...
Add to that we all know what it's like to ask or expect any government worker to go an inch out of their way or stay a minute past clocking out time.....none ever will -- they mostly hate their jobs, liking only the pay and benefits...
Anyone ever had a pleasant experience talking to someone at the State department of revenue, drivers license bureau, etc...??? That's what I mean!

Nope -- it's not as if the states' unionized workers have laid down a track record of fine performance, yet they demand endless rights to benefits out of proportion to whet everyone else is getting.

BUT -- in step spokespeople at the Federal level...big name politicians such as senators, and even the President...who decry what the State of Wisconsin is doing and claim they HAVE to stand up for the workers' rights!!

BUT -- here's the hypocrisy...did you know that FEDERAL WORKERS do NOT have the rights to collective bargaining!!

So if out President says he stands by the unions in Wisconsin HE IS AN EXTREME HYPOCRITE....because he isn't standing behind the workers under him in the Federal government.

Also - in a one sided ploy by the President to curtail the wages and rights of his own Federal workers....the President froze their wages without them being able to bargain for or against that move collectively!!!

So believe as you wish - but this whole thing is riddled with hypocrisy.
If I want to earn more I either work harder or more hours...
but some feel that the proper way to earn more is whine louder, go on strike, or "bargain" (or "threaten") to get better benefits!! I say nope -- you have made your own bed, now lie in have created this bad economy with your laziness and now you are reaping the backlash!

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