Saturday, February 26, 2011

BU's final home game vs. Drake, and more..

Just one correction form this morning's article that said Andrew Warren broke his ankle...

He did not break his ankle as stated here...

Nice to see good coverage -- but regarding this comment from that article...
"That was the case as well with Warren, the Indianapolis native who sat out the 2008-09 season with a fractured ankle."

No -- Dave Reynolds got it wrong this time, but he has had it right previously.....
"Andrew Warren’s X-ray result Friday from the broken bone in his foot looked great...."

Kirk Wessler also got it correct with this statement...just a couple months ago..
"Andrew is pain-free in his right foot, which was broken in September.
Former BU star Anthony Parker broke the same bone, the fifth metatarsal of his right foot"

Here's a story that's interesting but true....
..and it shows how incredibly irrational and misplaced some of the anti-JL sentiment is...
here's a comment I have heard a "Bradley fan" say on TWO DIFFERENT OCCASIONS this past week...
BOTH are season ticket holders and one is a fairly frequent person on the message boards...

I am 100% serious -- this was spoken in all sincerity and was not a joke...
it went something like this...
"now the worst thing that could possibly happen is that Bradley might win a
few games in St. Louis and then they'll decide to let Coach Les keep his job"

again -- I am absolutely 100% serious that this was said by two different fans who are season ticket holders...
so do you see the insanity here -- these people's intense disaffection for Jim Les is actually overriding any sense of affection for the team they claim is their own team....they are now quite openly rooting against their own team because they have allowed their true colors to show...
they are anti-JL first and pro-BU comes well behind that....

so... I offer that if someone has that kind of sentiment -- then they are NOT a fan of Bradley -- they might be something else -- they might be a fan of some good feeling they get when their home town team wins, or they might be a fan of some satisfaction when their team does well, but they are NOT Bradley fans..

Nothing like kicking a guy when he's down -- but here I go....

You know -- I don't deal with the press much but I have on occasions...and guess what's the very first question any and all reporters ask before they ever talk to you...

They ask your name and how to spell it...

They want to get it right...

So can someone explain to me why this insane a**hole that rules the people of Libya cannot decide on what his name is and how to spell it??

And don't give me any line about different languages, because we don't see this problem with many other people not even the Chinese...
and at least the jerk can be aware that he looks like a stupe when his name is different in every single account...


and even

Can the guy just let us in on what's his name -- this is funnier than a sketch by Abbott and Costello...

But one thing even funnier are the late night jokes about the guy now...
he is not only a murderer and a loser, but he's the BUTT of so many jokes that his legacy now and for centuries to come will that of a bozo, ignoramus, egotistical hothead despot who was hated not only by his own people but by the people of every single nation on earth.

"he dresses like Lady Gaga.."

"I don't know who's loonier, Ghaddafi or Charlie Sheen.."

"Gaddafi's speech was carried by Comedy Central Network.."

This guy should go on tour with a stand-up routine...he'd probably get to host his own game show, too....
"Are You Smarter than a Libyan Dictator....who isn't even as smart as a 1st grader?"

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