Monday, May 17, 2010

Has the government begun steps to BAN free speech on web sites like this?

Well - you decide...all I will do is point you to the very words and actions coming from the government and top government people, including the President.

First we saw the government begin passing legislation trying to force any web site to reveal who they support or who they draw income from.
Apparently the feds think you cannot make up your mind for yourself, and need a law requiring every web site with an opinion tell you whether they might be getting something for expressing this opinion and force them to reveal their biases!
(by the way, I support and promote Bradley basketball, so I guess I need to reveal that despite not being paid by Bradley, I do gain an enormous degree of satisfaction and enjoyment from BU basketball and that's worth millions!!)

Then we saw the very top people in the current administration make every attempt to go after a couple news organizations in a full frontal attack and label them as propaganda machines and NOT legitimate news outlets.

Then at a commencement speech just this past week, the President said this...
"Speaking at Hampton University in Virginia, the president raised alarms when he said "information becomes a distraction, a diversion" that is putting "pressure on our country and on our democracy."

The president suggested less is more when it comes to absorbing news content ..
..The class of 2010 is "coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank that high on the truth meter"
..information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. So all of this is not only putting pressure on you; it's putting new pressure on our country and on our democracy"

So - he has declared that we have TOO MUCH INFORMATION...and hints that some of it is to be discredited and ought to does he think we should just yield to his judgment and opinion as to what we should now stop reading or listening to?
He appears to be quite worried about you and the new graduates at Hampton University - that they might be bombarded with way too much information and not be able to sort it out. Just maybe that will make them dumber - and thus it becomes a serious threat not just to the listener, but also a threat to THIS COUNTRY and to DEMOCRACY ITSELF!!!
Whoa....we need for the government to step in and help out, I guess.....??

Does he think we are all so incredibly stupid that we cannot reason for ourselves what is right and what is not, and that we will be fooled by people cramming info into us that doesn't "always rank that high on the truth meter" ??
So what does he feel so threatened about even if I am reading, or hearing, or even believing something that he deems not "that high on the truth meter" ??

The current President employs a man named Cass Sunstein as the director of the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF INFORMATION AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS.
How many of you even knew such an office exists??

Here's an example of the work of the guy in the White House Office of Information..
in response to many, many media outlets' requests for an interview with the President's new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan...the OIRA director simply arranged for an interview of Kagan in his own setting with his own chosen questions, and then gave that interview via the web to everyone else...and expected them all to be satisfied. He chose NOT to allow Elena Kagan to do the interviews with the people requesting them.

So what are they afraid of? Why are they strictly limiting any information on this nominee and prohibiting anyone from actually asking her questions?

Is anyone interested in what this fellow, Cass Sunstein thinks about free speech??

First - he thinks the government SHOULD regulate free speech...

AND - he once said he wants the government to require EVERY book, pamphlet, periodical, or web site that has any information that can be interpreted in even the most remote way as political...
he wants to REQUIRE that site to post links to other sites with opposing views!!
In other words....just by running this blog, I would have to give you links to other web sites with opposing views.

If you don't believe that what this hand-picked Obama information officer wants then just read this...

He once "offered the idea of government mandates that would require people to link to opposing views"..

Do we really need people who disagree with the FIRST AMENDMENT and who do not believe in freedom of speech, to be in charge of the White House Information Office?? The very guy who thinks you should NOT be told the truth is in charge of telling you what the White House is up to??

Hmmm... I won't knuckle under to these geeks who have different idea of how the United States should be run than those who founded this country and who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
You can assure you will continue to see the truth on this blog... ;)

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