Friday, October 8, 2010

AP, state schools tanking it, and more on UConn cheating...

LeBron moving to Miami sure has helped one ex-Bradley Brave!!
Anthnoy Parker is not only actually getting mentioned in Cleveland --
he's getting hyped as one of their NAME PLAYERS!! One of their key guys!!

Some really bad financial problem emerging at SIU -- but not a whole lot in the press about it.
..."pay cuts"...and "forced, unpaid leave and furloughs"
"..Departments were asked to cut 4 percent of their budgets while administrative closure days are expected at SIUC.
The SIU Board of Trustees gave SIUC Chancellor Rita Cheng and SIUE Chancellor Vaughn Vandergrift the ability to implement as many as six unpaid closure days if needed. The days would affect all staff on campus."

Nebraska is having the same serious problems and I think we'll be hearing a whole lot more....
thankfully Creighton isn't dependent on the incompetent people who run the state finances...

Another of Kelvin Sampson's fine recruits are in the news assault charge..

Dana Altman lands a 5-Star kid at Oregon......

Altman has just landed THREE top kids...
Jabari Brown, Brett Kingma, and Illinois kid Bruce Barron..
...........nice to have all those Nike $$ millions!

The bad hits keep coming for Michigan State...
First, star Korie Lucious gets a DUI and has knee surgery...
then two more players are charged with rape, now this -- one of their top newcomers out for several months with injury..
Some are already speculating that Tom Izzo won't be able to discipline any of the offenders, since his bench will be too short...and we'll see if everyone lives up to the platitude that always gets foisted upon Bradley...
...that you can't blame injuries!!

UConn has been in the news a lot lately -- mostly for their many NCAA violations, hundreds of illegal phone calls, but lately just for the fact that they keep getting left off the hook by NCAA and allowed delays after delays...yet the NCAA still seems asleep wt the wheel, as they were for 5 years during the USC investigation...
UConn's been given so many breaks by NCAA that one has to wonder if there's really any serious desire to expose the cheating and actually penalize the crook!
Even some of the local media outlets in Connecticut are beginning to pick up on the story of all these endless delays...
In addition, they are kind of admitting the evidence is massive and sort of overwhelming -- so what's the delay -- let the hammer fall!!,0,3746423.story,0,6469424.story

A couple short blurbs...
Dodie keeps up the focus with his hard work.... -- "one goal"!/dodie_dunson/status/26742345472

And... one guy who says he knows the situation well for Matt Roth, says that owing to all the extra classes Matt has taken in summer sessions, that by the end of the summer session of 2011, after Matt's 3rd year at IU, he'll have enough credits to graduate...
thus as a grad student, he would have the option to transfer elsewhere..opening up speculation that he might.

Here's just another good cop gone bad.... (just a joke..),0,1994772.story

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