Thursday, April 19, 2012

More and more corruption in District 150 - sad...

If you are not familiar with the constant infighting and corruption going on in Peoria's District 150 school system - start with this...

BUT -- now it goes beyond turmoil....and I can't see how in the world anyone would want their kids in this corrupt school district...

Now Dist 150 is holding closed, secret hearings late into the night just to run many of their better, and more highly honored people out of there..

The PJS reports on all this but completely fails to tell what's really going on as they seem to kiss ass because one of their writers is a koolaid-big-fan of Grenita Lathan - Dist. 150 superintendant.

BUT -- they should pursue a few obvious quesitons that many have...
Why are the few little minds that are destroying this once-proud school district - pursuing their own petty little personal agendas while the whole damned system is falling apart?

Simply do the tiniest research and find that the very people Lathan is obsessively trying to throw out of there are the MOST successful, widely respected and well liked principles District 150 has ever had.
AWARD winning leaders and teachers who have dedicated their lives and are well loved by everyone but the jealous Lathan who hates the accolades they get and who fears they may get attention she thinks she deserves!
The parents absolutely love these principles & teachers and want to keep them - so..
why is Lathan doing this and why won't she talk about it or allow open hearings as everyone is requesting??
What is she hiding?? Her personal agendas and vendettas to wipe all the local people out of there so she can bring in her friends and cronies from North Carolina?
Just read the many stories of how many of her buddies she keeps bringing into Peoria from North Carolina and paying them ridiculous salaries and fees when outstanding local people are far more qualified and deserving!!!

You decide..

Here's an example of how badly people want out of this corrupt district....
These people are literally suing at their own significant expense to get the HE** out of District 150!!!!

One last thing -- Grenita Lathan came from the Guilford County School system (Greensboro, NC) which was NOT doing well then - and continued to deteriorate for years after Lathan left..failing minimal NATIONAL STANDARDS in all but 29 of their 117 schools!!!! -

...only now beginning to improve under the NEW leadership since Lathan is gone...

This includes the findings after Lathan left that the school district needed $882 million in infrastructure work that she ignored while she was taking GSA-like trips and looking for a better job..

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