Monday, January 30, 2012


When a ship steers unadvisedly onto the wrong course, when the captain ignores all the warnings coming from wise and legitimate sources, when the ship hits rock-bottom and goes down...then nobody steps up to take responsibility -- not the captain and not the people who hired him, then we have a problem.

Why did they hire this guy in the first place? Did they NOT know this ship had never done this poorly with the previous captain - nor with ANY previous captain -- this is record poor steering performance?
And what about all the people willing to jump ship and abandon the vessel - leaving behind empty seats and willing to abandon the money they had already spent? How many of these passengers are gone for good - how long before anyone can be lured back to board this ship or any like it in the future?

And where are the folks who are supposedly the higher-ups that run the whole cruise line - why have they not come forward to take some responsibility? After all - isn't the passengers' interests that should be paramount in all this, not the cruise line big wigs who are enjoying their huge salaries but denying any responsibility here!
I don't know about you, but I sure have my doubts about this ship being seaworthy at any time in the near future. The whole cruise line has become a laughingstock of the industry. But watch for the captain and the cruise line officials to continue to deny responsibility and claim everything's going to be OK.

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