Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can't tell which group of people are more loony...

Some people compare the "Occupy" movement with the Tea Party movement...
Regardless of what you think politically - there are some vast differences between the unanimously peaceful but effective Tea Party movement that led to more than a 100-Representative swing in the last election compared to this new movement who call themselves Occupy Wall Street.

It has been hard to figure out what they want - as interviews with individuals rattle various thoughts all over the map - but mainly it's a demand by people to take away wealth from those who have it or who have earned it and redistribute it & give it away somehow to those who did not.

But here's where NOBODY can deny that this new movement differs VASTLY from most other political movements -- even the political movements of the 1960's that also involved arrests.
The big difference is that most of those other movements WERE PEACEFUL -- and the arrests were for peaceful civil disobedience.

This new Occupy movement is quite VIOLENT....and the press is being derelict (as usual, so what's new) in reporting the dark and ugly side to this movement.
Just google "Occupy" and "violence" and see what you get...
Of the 40 million hits you get that seem to connect the movement with violence - very few are the mainstream media.
BUT -- there's been violence in New York, Oakland, Portland and just about every site the protests have occurred...even the overseas ones.

The violence includes rapes, and sexual assaults that the NOW are very strangely silent about...

These protests are now turning into total anarchy and lawless rage and crime...
and even some of the supporters like the Democrats and the liberals in Hollywood are beginning to back off their support (although I see millionaires Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore are still spewing their hate at the protests).

BUT have you seen the new "FACE" of this protest??

The protesters are all buying and wearing this mask....'s a silly mask the Occupy people are using and it's from the movie & story that's called...

"V for Vendetta"

This is exactly the cause that LOONY guy tried to claim when he shot up the school board meeting a year ago in Panama Beach, FL

NOTE how this totally loony guy Clay Duke also takes the "V for Vendetta" logo for his own cause...

And as you can see in my blog post from that time - the cause is a phony cause...and it's a laughably stupid endeavor that they think will help them, but in reality it just shows their complete ignorance of the very facts involved in their choices...

First - because it is really all fiction...comic book crap...although it's loosely based on Guy Fawkes.

But second - because at the time "V for Vendetta" was written - it was about the future -- the 1990's -- where supposedly government would become OPPRESSIVE -- which, of course, these protests alone prove is NOT the case -- as people today have MORE freaking rights than they have ever had in all of history...they can do just about anything thy want in the name of free speech and get away with it!!
Just look at all the damage, vandalism, and trashing of cities and parks committed by the Occupiers (plus the rapes, assaults, etc.) and they're pretty much getting away with it all at taxpayer expense.
So much for government oppression - sounds more like the diametric opposite of permissiveness.

BUT also - read on in my blog piece -- the model for the character was Guy Fawkes from the 1600's -- a totally self-absorbed person who did everything he did for PURELY selfish reasons - and NOT in any way to better society -- and used VIOLENCE to get it done -- how ironic that these protesters are also using VIOLENCE!

One repeating story you see in the news was the poor Iraq war veteran who was hit in the head by something -- possibly a brick that was thrown....and suffered serious injury...
Some have made the claim he was struck by something the police threw or that he was beaten BY police -- but that is highly doubtful -- the cops are not throwing BRICKS which is what some witnesses claim happened...and nobody whatsoever witnessed the guy getting beat -- they simply found him laying on the ground...already injured.

...but the story is being portrayed as if he's getting injured by the enemy for fighting YOUR CAUSE!!!!

Scott Olsen

It was almost certainly one of his OWN buddies and co-protesters who launched the brick that nearly killed can be seen in the videos, the only people throwing projectiles are the protesters!!
In other words...he was severely injured and almost killed by the VIOLENCE of his OWN cause...

Here's another note about this "Iraq veteran" Scott Olsen...
....the guy is a pretty far left loony himself...
He runs a FAR LEFT anti-military web site that rips the US Government and cites the rapist-Wikileaks guy and also the traitor Bradley Manning - the gay serviceman who gave away US secret documents because he wanted to punish the military for it's stance on homosexuals.

As you can see from the videos.... with 20 different people standing right and with cameras rolling during this protest -- not one person -- NOBODY has yet offered any evidence of what hit Olsen in the head and who threw it!!

So - the Occupy protests are mainly lazy thugs and whiners who want something they never worked for nor earned. They want handouts.
They should learn from the Tea Party people and go to the ballot box if they want to get change....
And speaking of change -- the party MOST of them say they favor is the party that promised change, controlled every aspect of the government for two years but produced only bad change - huge handouts that were ineffective and ruined our economy.
Oddly - when interviewed, only 35% of the Occupy protesters claim to have voted in the last election -- and the truth is probably less than that!
They have zero credibility if they aren't even going to vote!

A few more notes...

A couple recent events caused headlines about UFO's being seen...

This one was from a video of a football game..

...makes you wonder how gullible and stupid some people are!

Again -- OMG -- just this past week - the TV show "Fact or Faked" debunked just about every one of these TV camera streaks...

There's a zillion such claims that these are UFO's and yet they can be PERFECTLY re-created any time you want with a video camera, and a bright light..

They are bugs flying past the camera - tiny little points of reflected light that appear clear & sharp since they are small and won't blur, and thus they seem as though they are up in the sky or in space, but if you had a high speed camera you'd see for sure it is a bug -- but a regular video camera will only catch it as a streak - just as a movie/film camera would

THEN -- the writer gives us this old haggard line that sounds profound and smart and scientific...
"...but as a man of logic it would be unrealistic to
believe that this random planet is the only planet in
the vastness of the Universe to have life forms on it."

Really? -- then what evidence is the guy using???
Have they found life on any other planet??
The fact that they have found none - and that there really isn't much more than the tiniest bit of weird evidence like this tape causes the guy to jump UNSCIENTIFICALLY to the grand conclusion that there's intelligent life elsewhere and they have travelled to earth and now we're seeing them....?
How many more years before people will wise up and actually see the obvious -- there are NO aliens here on earth!!

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has been diligently looking for 50 years now -- endlessly searching - now using hi speed computers to analyze megatons of data...
and NEVER once has a single NON-RANDOM electromagnetic signal or "message" ever come from or been detected in outer space!!
Keep in mind our planet generates trillions of electromagnetic signals and messages literally every MINUTE!!! - and has continued to do so for more than 75 years and will continue to do so....for eons into the future...
If even ONE evolving society of aliens anywhere in the UNIVERSE ever progressed to the point where they experimented with electromagnetism, radio waves, or electronic communication then they'd have generated exactly what would get detected elsewhere as non-random E-M signals...and yet there have never been any found -- NONE -- period!

The astounding ABSENCE of any such electromagnetic signals ever detected is incredibly STRONG proof that no developed society is or HAS existed within even several hundred or thousand light years of us...

This argument can't rule out amoeba elsewhere but with no evidence that life exists - isn't a bit unscientific to argue that it MUST? That's like me arguing that ghosts MUST exist because the universe is so big!!

EVEN the astronauts once thought some of the weird streaks and points of light that showed up in their pictures & photos might be mini-UFO's until it was proven that they were tiny bits and crystals of ice that had condensed on the outside of the spacecraft, then came loose as the people in the inside moved and caused vibrations...

Ultimately people can believe what they want but there are easy, logical answers for this stuff - but people don't want to accept them - they want to believe in UFO's..and those same people scoff at anyone who believes in God, angels, or life after death.

Here's another one... -- another classic story..

...people see lights -- they believe they are seeing unidentified flying objects...
then more people see them and a couple get them on videotape...
then the whole city goes bazonkers because there is apparently NO logical explanation -- OMG this MUST be aliens....right???

Then -- the helicopter pilot who was involved 15 miles away with a night-time parachute jump where they carried high intensity flares comes forward and gives all the details...
and...of course his story fits absolutely perfectly and gives the exact PERFECT explanation but...still people won't buy it they still think it was aliens!!!!!

It's amazing -- these people have already made their minds up they are going to believe the PREPOSTEROUS - all the while a simple and easy explanation exists and they are going to disbelieve that!
Boy -- with this degree of stupidity reigning here on earth -- even if there is some alien society somewhere out there -- they're going to steer clear of this planet!!

But the last argument is the most obvious -- if they are UFO's and if there really are aliens up there - and if they don't want to make themselves known or talk to us - or want us to catch them then why do they use bright lights all the time??

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