Friday, September 16, 2011

More Government Corruption

Have you read about Solyndra...a company whose founders & owners are close buddies and financial supporters of the current President.
A company that wasn't even valued at $100 million but got a GUARANTEED loan from the federal government for well over $500 million even at a time that they were financially insolvent and the government's OWN REGULATIONS should have prohibited giving that much money to them because it was VERY bad risk.

Well -- that money is ALL gone, and the company just went belly-up.
This is a serious scandal -- had this been Halliburton or Dick Cheney - well you know it would have been dragged in the headlines for months & years - instead you have to check the deep back pages of some newspapers to even find the story.
This is classic government cronyism and corruption at its best - and it a far larger scale of what we saw right here in Peoria with Firefly...
Taxpayers' money being casually and irresponsibly given to crooked people because of who they know in government - then criminally spiriting the massive amounts of cash to who-knows-where - likely their own foreign bank accounts - then going belly up and filing bankruptcy!
The press is also complicit in this by NOT reporting major facts that do expose those both in government and at the corporations who have been negligent, immoral, and even criminal.

Does anyone doubt for a second that all this new corruption mixed with horrific regulations and government red tape is what's killing jobs!

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