Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hey- here's a global warming rebuttal...

Read this article touting these modern expert global warming scientists coming up with an ingenius idea...

They make it sound like FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME EVER...the climate researchers are looking at past history to determine how the climate or the ARCTIC SEAS were - frozen or open...
they make it sound like this is groundbreaking research!!!!
They even imply that this "new" research is gonna prove global warming and refute anyone who denies the politically correct mantra that the earth is warming severely, we are all gonna be wiped out and it's getting hotter than it's ever been!

BALONEY - this stuff has all been researched many times before - but the reason they DO NOT TELL YOU THAT..... because the ship records from the 1500's, 1600's, etc...actually prove something very interesting that blows away the entire argument of the GLOBAL WARMING gurus......

For almost 300 years - 1500's thru the 1800's...
the passage called the NORTHWEST PASSAGE was routinely navigable and open even in some winters and EVEN to the little rickety wooden sail boats of that era!!!

BUT-- there wasn't much of a reason to go that way regularly since it was long, tortuous, poorly charted, often filled with some small icebergs that would destroy wooden ships of that there wasn't a lot of reason to even bother to go that way, since nobody but Eskimos lived there and the route to get all the way thru to the Bering Strait then down to China or India was just as hard & long as the route around the African Cape...where the water and winds were favorable and ports along the way allowed restocking.

PLUS all they had were sails and the unpredictable winds (different from the southern routes that had the predictable, prevailing winds) made it very difficult, plus there were no ports along the way to restock on food, etc.  Had they had fuel or diesel power back in 1500-1800 then it would have been FAR more common...and likely used a ton.

BUT they could still sail in those waters as was documented in history MANY, MANY times!

We're talking the FAR NORTH route - north of Hudson Bay- all the way to the Bering Strait and down to the Orient!!!

Oddly the FACTS clearly prove that for 300+ years it must have been substantially warmer than it is even NOW!!!  Because ships could go that route - but they almost NEVER can do it nowadays because of arctic ice.

So even tho temperature records cannot be used because nobody back then had standardized thermometers placed all over the world - we DO have a way of knowing that it MUST HAVE BEEN warmer then- even warmer than it is now...
....and that, of course, would blow the absolute HELL out of their most common argument that it is now getting warmer than it has ever been!!!

LOOK IT UP...the "Northwest Passage" (and remember that rickety old boats in 1600's certainly couldn't have withstood much ice of any size - unlike BIG steel-hulled icebreakers today)
the NW-Passage really hasn't been used much for the past 200 years as it was before that because ice has been there year-round.

Only recently - in the 2000's with giant STEEL-HULLED ICEBREAKERS is this route now navigable again after a couple hundred years..
AND JUST AS EXPECTED....the global warming enthusiasts are using this argument that it PROVES global warming and proves we are now entering a stage in earth's history where we are warmer than we have EVER BEEN
Here's an example

So..... explain to me why if many, many weak little wooden ships were able to go that way 300-400 years ago
JUST WHY is it such a big deal now that a few big 3-foot thick steel-hulled icebreaker ships can do it now?  Kinda funny actually since they are banking on most people being ignorant and now knowing about the facts from the past.

Here is a global warming denier who makes the exact same argument I am making and it is a pretty danged solid argument that all the global warmers seem to completely ignore...
including a few years in the 1940's and 1950's that this passage was wide open and rickety old boats could make it just fine

it is no warmer now than it has been MANY times & many years in our recent past 400 is NOT getting warmer than it has ever been and if it WAS this warm back in the 1500-1800's and if we did have similar global warming back then....
... then by golly we got by just fine, we recovered, it got cold again then warm again in many repeated cycles, and that this current trend of a decade or two of warming is NOTHING NEW

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