Monday, October 19, 2015

Here's an interesting and yet predictable observation

I have been to numerous of the summer & preseason events with the basketball team, coaches, players and I plan to attend several more - starting tomorrow with the next Fan Appreciation Reception up at Ren-Col, then the open practice & scrimmages...
And - I have yet to see even ONE of the core group of Joanne Glasser any of those events so far.
Not that I care - kinda glad they're gone..they constantly try to bully other fans into joining their miserable bitterness.
You know - the Jim Les-haters & program destroyers who were so bitter going way back that they didn't get the candidate they wanted..... who kissed up to the former admin so much that their noses are permanently brown - the ones who dragged on their JG is the best Bradley President discussion for the past two years....many if not most of whom have serious moral and arrest records and horrible attack-mode demeanor both in public & message boards.

I know they still lurk because they still make schizophrenic and paranoid accusations that someone's reading their emails, hacking their message board and blocking them from seeing what's posted certain places on the internet.  People who actually photograph random people at sporting events then post their pictures as if they feel doomed ......
Must be kinda sad to go thru life feeling so oppressed, downtrodden and constantly scared sh**less that someone out there is smarter or better.

But those fans come & go - they got their way in 2009-2011 and then had to live with the enormous destruction the program....but now we're on the rebound - things look great and looking up.

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