Wednesday, August 5, 2015

One more Dr. Cross post

It is potentially good for Bradley that Dr. Cross has achieved other employment - even though his salary at Penn State will be only about 1/3 of what Bradley was contractually obligated to pay him according to reports... contrary to some idiotic comments, this is not an upward or lateral move...

If I recall - reports stated

.. that Dr. Cross had a contract with Bradley that went a couple years into the just as
happened when Coach Les left - I would suspect that by getting employed elsewhere, this might reduce the burden on Bradley for the buyout.

The publicly released info from Pennsylvania indicates that assistants in the Athletic Dept. at Penn State earn up to around $100K...although some less.

(btw- Penn State just hired yet another assistant AD -

 - sounds like her's is a much bigger job responsibility overseeing 325 other employees!)

I also wonder why the only statement regarding why Dr. Cross was leaving was "Cross declined to give a reason"...
This is pretty strange given the extent that the press dug into issues when KK and JL left - speculating, reporting falsehoods, leaked e mails, rumors, even quoting unnamed "past employees" and "disgruntled ex-staff from the Athletic Dept." just to smear them as they went to better jobs.
They even found someone who had been let go due to his inability to even do his job under Kavanagh - and culled some smear about alleged personality traits!

Wonder if they'll do some digging and get some answers this time or just hug them as they have done recently- well, on second thought - I don't wonder.

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