Friday, April 24, 2015

Excitement is back

Wow - all I can say is that it's hard to keep up with all the good news...

First - we unload lots of dead weight & hire new AD, coach, & staff...and then we start with the players & now we're loading up on exciting commits for 2015.
Obviously time will tell if they are the best recruiting class in 20 or 30 years as our media has been saying about the last couple groups that didn't pan out.  But definitely the excitement is back.

Just a few weeks ago I wrote an entry titled
"Used to be fun to talk with fans about Bradley basketball - 
it has become a bit painful"

But now it's fun to talk about Bradley basketball - everyone thinks so and we see it on radio talk shows, on the message boards, and everyone you bump in to.
Let's hope the excitement continues all summer -
remember the event scheduled for June 2 - almost immediately after the departure of the past President - will be coming up fast...

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