Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Some interesting facts

Here are some interesting facts that have been previously unreported - you sure cannot count on the local media to report this...

I have all the references - feel free to contact and I will show them to you..

The Bradley Board of Trustees met in November as did the Bradley University Senate and the minutes & reports from those meetings detail several interesting facts.

First & foremost are that ..(all statements in quotation marks are directly from the reports)

-"..many issues, trends, and items that were disclosed .. were not made available (previously) to the URC (University Resources Committee)  for their inclusion in their April 2014 report."

-"Non-disclosure and lack of transparency at appropriate time has rendered the April 2014 committee report incomplete."

-"The Board of Trustees mandated that Bradley reduce the operating budget by .. 7.6 M$ ($7.6 million)."

-Tuition hikes should result in an increase in revenue of $5.3 million

-Here's the biggie - Athletics costs were misrepresented previously at $5.8 million for fiscal year 2013-14.
".in fact the actual Athletics loss ballooned to over $7.1 million."

-"Unrestricted contributions were down 46% (in 2014) to only $.8 million. This was the only year in the past ten years where contributions were under $1 million."

-"Athletic losses continue to grow at a pace of about $.5 million more every year.  Ten years ago, the Athletics loss was $2.1 million and it is now $7.1 million."

-"Athletics (costs) have increased by 240%" over the past 10 years

-"The increase in the Athletics loss has also put a severe strain on enrollment and the funds that new students contribute.  
..twenty additional students need to be enrolled just to cover Athletics' growing loss.."

Some summary thoughts...
-"Non-disclosure" and "lack of transparency" are fancy words for falsifying reports, lying, and hiding the damaging facts.

-the dollar loss in Athletics in 2013-14 was much higher than they admitted to - it was actually $7.1 million in just that one year when under Ken Kavanagh - it was never more than approx. $2 million per year.


- and contributions were down by almost HALF in just one year while Athletics sending has skyrocketed.  Go figure. Spells trouble...

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