Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's a dead heat - the two stupidest stories of the day!

Story # 1 is really two stories....and maybe even a third story in that the major networks actually showed this crap, likely prompting other stupid people to copy this behavior....

-first, here was the beer guzzling two year old at the Philadelphia Phillies game. Sure, if caught, the parents will claim the bottle was empty or had lemonade, but I don't believe them -and it's still an amazingly stupid thing to do. You gotta wonder just what other really stupid things this family lets this kid do...

But within a day was this story...the two year old that's smoking cigarettes. And not just smoking a cigarete, but apparently an addicted 2-pack a day smoker who is being supplied these things by the family. This one takes the cake, and probably by itself ranks right up there with the stupidest things I have ever heard. If this kid gets lung cancer, he has every right to sue the hell out of his family!

But story #2, I think, entails far, far MORE stupidity...because this one shows how not just hundreds, not just thousands, but even MILLIONS of people can demonstrate the same degree of remarkable stupidity all at the same time, all while claiming to be well informed and doing exactly what they want to do in a well thought out manner!!!

Have you seen this if we haven't heard other similar stories here in Illinois...
That the voters in the South Carolina Democratic primary election voted sufficiently for a guy who is currently facing a felony charge, that the guy won the primary election for the United States Senate!!
Seriously, the Democratic voters in South Carolina selected a guy who is horrible candidate that now nobody wants on the ticket!!!
I guess it doesn't surprise me that jerks can get a petition and get on the ballot, but the relatively surprising thing and truly stupid thing it that hundreds of thousands of voters, who have absolutely NO INKLING of who the man is or what he stands for, they voted for him anyway!!
Even long career politicians are at a total loss to explain this phenomenon and are surprised by it!

So, now the Democrats have a real dilemma...but it just happened a few months ago here in Illinois when Scott Lee Cohen won the Democratic Primary election for Lieutenant Governor/2010.
Again, the guy got a LOT of votes, enough to win in a huge state like Illinois, and no sooner had the guy won, then everyone says this is a horrible mistake and all the voters admit they really didn't know about him and now they regretted voting for him.
As with all these candidates, even his own fellow Democrats turned on him viciously and forced him out, and they're now planning the same approach in South Carolina.

In case you still think this kind of stupidity is rare, check this...
Flash back to the Democratic primary election in Illinois in 1986 when two totally unknown, unqualified fringe candidates won the Democratic primaries just because they had nice sounding names...

Janice Hart won the Illinois Democratic primary for Secretary of State and Peoria Central grad, Mark Fairchild won the Lieutenant Gov spot on the Democratic ticket!
This caused chaos as the Democratic Governor candidate Adlai Stevenson III had to step OFF the Democratic ballot and run as an Independent because Fairchild wouldn't step down..
They were Larouchies, subversives who hate everyone associated with America -- and really far out loonies who had simply gone through the channels to get their names on the primary ballot, but didn't even bother to campaign or get their names or messages out there.
And yet they WON!!!!!!

This shows how shallow many voters are...and in case you missed it and I have to point it out to you....there's something else all these candidates had in common...
Let me recap a few things they all shared...

--they were all very bad candidates and if anyone had known the least thing about them, they wouldn't have voted for them

--these guys had nice sounding, middle-American names...Fairchild, Hart, Cohen, Greene...

--they got onto the ballot but nobody expected them to be taken seriously and thought nobody would vote for them

--yet they won the elections when people in droves clearly gave their votes to a candidate that they obviously didn't know a thing about and who they never would have voted for had they done the least tiny bit of checking

In other words...large numbers of these voters simply made a horrible mistake at the polls, making a mockery out of the TREMENDOUS blessing and gift of being able to vote to select their leaders.

After each one of these elections, voters by the thousands admitted their mistakes and stupidity and basically said "I didn't know, I thought those names sounded nice". they used as their single main criteria, that the names sounded nice??
How shallow and how stupid...but see if you can figure out just what segment of the voting population really seems to have defined itself and the stupidest...since, as I noted, all those stealth candidates who won shared yet one more feature...

So, time and time again here are examples of how a candidate wins who has absolutely NO credentials...and who is such an incredibly BAD candidate that even most of the people who voted for him say later they were fooled by the nice sounding name and ended up voting for guy who wasn't really what they wanted!!

Make what you want of it, but I at least know who it is I am voting for...
I would NEVER give a single vote to a candidate that I didn't know FOR sure who he was and what he stood for...
I have to wonder if these same millions of stupid people would also close their eyes and eat human waste because they didn't know what it was...
or maybe they'd let their daughters go out on dates with Joran van der Sloot because they didn't bother to ask about him....or maybe these same people would go right out and invest their money with Bernie Madoff because they liked the sound of his name (that's really funny!)...

Oh well....there's enough stupidness every day to write a blog about it...but today I just had to include these two stories.....they really win the World Cup of Stupidity.

Lastly - a BIG shout out and CONGRATULATIONS to NEW Bradley assistant coach Willie, someone please see if he'd answer this question...
"What ever became of your old friend and teammate David Thirdkill??"

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