Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today we diverge

And instead of sports talk....a couple of new ideas for the classic Harry and Louise political ads.



-Harry- I am a firm believer in global warming and it's gonna destroy life as we know it on earth unless the government steps in and mandates major changes and overhauls.
The only thing that would change my mind is if we suddenly had a year with the coolest temperatures in a century.
-Louise- ...but, Harry, so far this year we ARE having the coolest temperatures in a century!
-Harry- doesn't matter, like I said we're having global warming!



-Harry- I hate tax breaks for the high end taxpayers. It's the same thing as handing over oodles of cash to the people who need it the least.
-Louise- How do you define those who are on the high end, as just about everyone believes they are already paying way too high taxes?
-Harry- I'd say anyone who can just drop $30-$40,000 and buy a new car in this economy is definitely a high end person and they shouldn't be getting tax breaks and free cash from the money being paid in by other taxpayers.
-Louise- But that's exactly what's happening, Harry, they call it Cash for Clunkers, and a million new car buyers are taking advantage of the government handouts.

-Harry- Doesn't matter, we elected him to stop giving breaks to the rich.

-Harry- There never were any "death panels", and it's all being made up.
-Louise- But then why was the wording of the bill changed to remove the "death panels" after people objected?
-Harry- It was changed to satisfy Sarah Palin.
-Louise- But the President's top healthcare advisor has written a number of articles promoting strict rationing and withholding of health care services to the chronically ill and elderly, citing it is wasteful to spend those kinds of resources on people who will not be paying taxes into the system.
And the current government has reissued a 52-page VA pamphlet urging the old and infirm patients to stop seeking more treatment.
-Harry- Doesn't matter, those people have no right to bring up the death panel argument, it just slows down the process.
-Louise- but just last year wasn't it considered GOOD and PATRIOTIC to be a communty organizer and voice concerns over perceived government misdeeds and abuses?
-Harry- Doesn't matter, this year things are different.

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